Monday, August 30, 2010

Day Eight - Crazy crunchers

One of the reasons I don't like going to the gym is because I never seem to have enough attention span to stay on one piece of equipment (other than possibly a treadmill) long enough to not feel like I'm lacking in some sort of human ability to actually get an effective workout.

Today was definitely an exercise A.D.D. day. And not even in the gym.

The Goal:

Cross train 30-45 minutes

The Result:

As cross training is described as any non-walking or running cardio, I decided to check out some online dance videos. And no, I don't mean the kind you find on YouTube.

First one I found was a Crunch Fitness cardio salsa. From the first minute, it taught me a very important lesson. Crunch Fitness is a crazy place. If I can tell that from the video, I don't want to know what the inside of one of those places is. I got annoyed with it after about 5 minutes.

So then I went to my Dancing With the Stars DVD. Here's the thing: I really love dancing with a partner. I like having a lead. But when it comes to dancing by myself, trying to follow steps and an order, there's one problem: I have trouble with my left and right. Yeah, I know. I'm 30 and I still have to make the L sign with my fingers to know which one is my left hand. Don't start with me.

So between that and the whole going the opposite way of the person you're facing on the screen... well, I like having a lead. So that lasted.... maybe 15 minutes? I didn't keep track.

So attempt three. My hula hoop. This one I'm pretty good at, and I can do it to music or in front of the TV. Putting on the DVD of Glee, which is kind of flippin' charming, accomplished both. So, again, didn't time it, but I'm guessing about 20 minutes.

I think it might have been easier to have just sucked up an elliptical, but I rarely last more than ten minutes on those things.

Maybe I should think about getting a bike. I'd like one in pink. With a basket.

Today's Suck:

Today I had the attention span of a three year old. I'm not sure if I actually did work out the full 30 minute minimum (I think I did) and while I did break a sweat... I don't know, I just kind of feel like I slacked on it today.

Today's Success:

Well, the point is to slowly develop an exercise routine, not to be a Spandex-clad gym bitch. So the fact that I tried again after one thing failed me (or I failed at it) is a good sign. Also, I confirmed that my Crunch of choice is Nestle's (though if you're going standard American chocolate, Hershey's is far, far superior).

1 comment:

  1. i love the bit about the left and right. I am the same way and after the wedding and general moving of rings (my secret) it was a good thing i had 2 weeks of honey moon to figure out my left and right again,
