Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day Seven - Peanut butter and penance

Tell me: when it is that the notion of a good, old-fashioned PB&J became something associated with guilt? It's really quite irritating.

Here's what happened: I decided I wanted a peanut butter sandwich for dinner. But as peanut butter is my Kryptonite, I don't keep it in the house. So I'm on my way out the door and I can't help thinking that I just shouldn't. Grrrrrrrr......

So instead, I'm making homemade raw mixed nut and seed butter in my food processor, to be eaten with organic superfruit spread on locally baked multigrain bread. Which is tasty and all, but sometimes you just want to go old school, you know?

Hey, at least I'm better about it than a lot of people. You know them: "Oh god, no! No! I can't have bread! Nuts have fat!" Insert weeping and pants-wetting... yeah, all right, I'm in good shape.

All right, let's go from bringing in calories to burning them off.

The Goal:

Rest and relax

The Result:

As awesome as I am at not working out, I wanted to make up for yesterday's total fail. So when I woke up (involuntarily) at 6:30 this morning, I decided to go out and complete yesterday's one mile run/run-walk. Which was followed by my staggering back into bed and oversleeping.

Today's Suck:

Even though my walk-run was probably 75% walk (the run part included about a 50 yard full out sprint), it still took a lot out of me. I wonder if that has anything to do with not drinking any water beforehand?*

Today's Success:

Getting my ass out of bed and exercising, even if it was only temporary consciousness; making a healthier choice in terms of food.

*Yes, I am a master of logic.

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